Why do women never think they’re thin enough?

Alexus Ruckle
3 min readJan 11, 2023

Is it really society or are you just self conscious?

Well, let’s think about it.

Have you ever been walking around the mall and you see someone who you think looks better than you, maybe because they have a flatter stomach? Do you then start getting paranoid thinking you’re not good enough and start wishing you were thinner? This would be a form of your self conscious taking over.

Society does play a huge part in making us feel like we have to live up to a certain standard. Society might be the reason you want to lose weight, dye your hair, watch makeup tutorials, buy a new wardrobe, etc., but what it comes down to is your self conscious. Society tells us we should be thin and always smile (because displaying any other emotion would define us as being a bitch). However, that’s where your self conscious plays a role. If you can admit to yourself that you’re satisfied with your weight and your “resting bitch face” 100 percent, then you wouldn’t feel the need to live up to societies standards.

I feel that a lot of the time we blame society because it’s easier than blaming ourselves for being jealous. We crave having tan skin, long hair, perfect makeup skills, a beach body, but what we fail to admit is that we bash on the girls who have it all. I’ve heard many people say things similar to “I hate her, she’s so skinny” or “she’s ugly, look at how much makeup she has on”, knowing that in reality we’re just jealous and we don’t hate them, we envy them. We then make the so called “pretty girls” self conscious by staring at them and whispering.

The society we live in is so crucial that we have people that decide they would rather starve themselves than to go up from a size 0. Being self conscious about your weight is something I feel that sticks with you throughout your life. However, a lot of the self hatred could be eliminated if we’d compliment each other instead of criticizing. I believe we all are guilty of criticizing ourselves more than others, we’re our own worst enemy. We judge every characteristic, every flaw, every word that we speak.

A scale is just a scale. Until you step on it, then it’s a lifetime commitment. You constantly want to check to see if it’s changed. For some reason those numbers define how you spend the rest of your day. Whether it be staying inside for the day, exercising, celebrating, etc., we let the scale decide for us. Society isn’t to blame, our self conscious is. Our self conscious is the reason we bought the scale, we were curious. We didn’t realize our self conscious would takeover reminding us that a blueberry muffin is over 500 calories which is a third of our calorie intake because we put ourselves on a diet because we didn’t think we were thin enough.



Alexus Ruckle

I’m a mother to a pomsky, a fan of The Office, and my favorite season is fall.